Category Archives: designs

quid pro quo

rockin' today's and yesterday's goods!

Today was Day 2 of  “Art Swap” for Ciara and me.  Quite the artsy kindreds, we met briefly about a month ago and soon spoke of getting together to do what we do best. I never quite knew if we would meet again in that capacity as most people here  just say, “Yeah, that’d be awesome”. . . and flake. I’m so glad she was a homie and made time for it. Naturally goodtimes were had with each swap.

I am trying to learn as much as I can as art is clearly what I should have done in Undergrad.  And after my first installment of playing catch-up I’m feeling more  like I could actually pursue art as a career. Whether that be as a designer or a teacher of such things is still unclear.

Anywho, here are the fruits of Art Swap Spring Break 2010. Ciara taught me screen printing and ceramics, I imparted my limited knowledge on a favored accessories like bows and tings.

These past two days have been grand. Learning in a stress free environment has reignited  my curiosity and inspiration. I hope we get to swap again soon.



Filed under designs, plain fun


I sigh because it’s been eons since i’ve been on this bad. It’s prolly clear by now that a weekly “if i’ just ain’t gon’ happen. The fact that I haven’t really had a reliable moment catcher for over a year has not helped with updates either. but hopefully that can change. i’ve discovered the joys of really expensive batteries. shout out to Enegizer advance LITHIUUUUUM! Also, I’ve found turning off the camera when I’m not using it to be dually effective. I’m pretty much rubbish at posting pics but i shall try or at least provide an abundance of links to pictures.

Now for a quick recap for my peeps who dont see me or visit me in my cove.

  • first up. my gifted mac G4 is in limbo and my cousin keisha heard my situation by a third party and hooked me up with this adorable purple ACER netbook LILIIII! whatchu know about FAM!?
  • in other news, I’m training for a half marathon (13.1 mi) on May 2. i will hit mile 9  or vice versa on sun. eeeeeKuh.
  • going mad over fabric/notions every 3rd day at hancock fabrics, my new besty
  • trading tips with and randomly bumping into Tawns(another new fav)
  • got my LIFE with nunz when she came through for a drive-by visit.
  • been babysitting the munchkins Brooks. too cute and too smart for their own good. leaders of tomorrow in the MAKIIIIING!!!
  • sewing of course. if i haven’t already accosted your fb page with the link here it is agaaaaain!
  • also, too, and, i’ve been singing with my sistas.  wish i had a link and or link for the concert we participated in last weekend. we opened for joey kibble from Take 6. such a homie.
  • i’m still looking for a part-time gig at the VERY least, so keep your ears. . . open???
  • recently fallen for The Arrows, Mumford and Sons these people are money! and they love JESUUUUUS! soo. thanks homies of homies who got that into gear.
  • also can’t get enough of Judy Garland. she and Liza were truly kindreds whether mami and daughter or not.
  • have had a hankering for skating and bowling. so far i’ve only been skating. i was trying to do it every two weeks but ya’ll know how i do with that.
  • writing a long overdue update.

So what’s next? who knows. you tell me.


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Filed under because yes, change, designs, if i, music, weekends, work/school


Praise Jesus!  I have been featured on the well-followed blog Natural chica. It features different stores of going natural, tips on maintanence and fun little how-to on styles and accessories. It is also a place where natural ladies, like myself, and their work  are featured. The focus was mostly on my natural character Lula but I also mentioned my bags. so what better time to let you know that because yes! is now the name of my line of bags that will be  available online at in the next few days. . here are a few.


Filed under because yes, designs

okay. . . okay. . .(sigh)

Now that I’ve opened my shop I realize that I have to think about how to promote it. I know, kinda backwards but i’ve opened it nonetheless. My mom has been talking a lot about marketing myself and the product. . . that’s when I chimed in with the obligatory, furred brow, pointed finger, and ” ummm” cause I haven t really given much thought to this due to the fact that a lot of my stuff isn’t really up yet. but marketing myself, whaaa???

She then said ,” you’re eclectic and untraditional with your style. . . ” I thought to myself “but that’s odd to just be like ‘I’m cool you should keep me in your entourage,’to people that seem interested in the same things.” After further reflection I realized that I should be proud of the talent God gave me and who I am. It’s still seems a bit boasty of me but here it is.

I am proud to be much like my Lula: a pleasantly humorous, fashionable, eclectic, creative, and God-fearing woman trying to find my way in this world.

(click to enlarge)

bows & twists

curls and soft waves

side sweeps and curl

-still kinda blushing


Filed under because yes, designs, work/school

If I: T-shirts

If I were a tee shirt I’d bark orders at people or state the obvious with a Bob Barker/Oprah voice like:

1. Raise your hand if you hate crowd participation!

2. State the opposite of what you want with fained enthusiasm if you hate sarcasm.

3. Learn unnecessary information about a celebrity today!

4. Let a girl know you’re reading her shirt before you just start staring at her chest. its works much better.

5. Tell your kid to shut up before I do!

6. Stare disapprovingly at the smokers! (best worn near public astrays)

7. STOP yelling in slow-mo. I SPEAK ENGLISH!

8. I didn’t steal your job, The Governator did!

9. I’m not gay but I can appreciate refracted light!
(aimed at the stingy gays)

10. proud pescatarian.

(with pic of a chicken in the middle)

probablilties ≠ always equal stereotypes.


(til next time)


Filed under designs, if i

if I: door fixtures

So I’m a bit bitter toward packaging and inventors today. these products/projects are mutually appreciated when properly utilized. however, they are also a nuisance when taken out of context and or common sense. though most listings do not immediately correlate to said annoyances, I figured you could use the explanation.

That said, I give you: If I Were A Door Knob.

If I were a door knob, I would:

1. be smarter than some packaging for a pair of scissors and or the person who decided to put them in the impenetrable plastic which needs scissors or a laser gun to open.

2. pat the man on the back who designed in-door plumbing then smack and turn my nose up at the guy who invented TWO SEPARATE faucets in the same sink for “hot” and “cold”. was he not aware of the ramifications. did he never test this? like the temperature of the water. . .like ever?!

3. not be nearly as cool as the the chain and hook in the back/top of the toilet. theat inventor knew his stuff. If you’ve ever had a problem with the flushing handle you feel me, others, you too shall feel it’s wrath .

4. be nearly as filthy as most computer keyboards. but not for long (see no.5)

5. be a renewable source of anti-bacterial liquid or serious germ killing mist that will still enable you to build up anti bodies to fight off H1N1. or however that works.

6. move close to and turn in toward the door jam to make snide and apathetic people remember they too can feel.

7. back away when i see peoples fingers linger between the jam and the door. or lick them so they retreat them in disgust. it think it’d but much more acceptable than the hail storm of pain the door’s got waiting for them. even as a door knob i’d be gangsta!

8. a round sensible one that’s hard to open/close when you’re holding too much stuff. and say stuff like “stop being lazy and save your back”. yes, i’d be an unlicensed therapist too. call me Dr. Phil.

9. still be jamaican with all these jobs/abilities.

10. still be a sexy beast!

and it seems that ten is the magic number cuz who can beat that!

-hydrating the corneas

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Filed under because yes, designs, if i

Look What I Can Do! (as said by Stewart)

For some time now my bedtime has coincided with my roommates’ morning alarms. I’m a nocturnal being but this is ridiculous! Now, I get a bit of a break as I am headed home tomorrow! Huzzah!

What does one do in the wee hours of the morning? Well, I’ve been trying to get things ready for my new shop called Mostly Posts on You can find me under Sellers as Milzamo. I have some cards up now but am still figuring things out. Meanwhile, here are some of the types of bags I’ve been making.

ladies & gentlemen

my dearest africa

the smuggler (movie bag)

If you likesies tell me your ideas and put in your orders today!

-burning the midnight oil.


Filed under because yes, designs


his and hers - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

This is a T-shirt I’m submitting to As you can see it’s “pending approval” but go check it out! I’m trying to get PAID!

It’s pretty basic. Just a pair of lungs.  “His” and “Hers” is in gold leaf. Like any other pair it lends to the concept of unity. But it’s probably more of an all-consuming type thing. So VOTE!!

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Filed under designs, work/school